Dit heb je gemist: Free Lunch @ TU/e

Cursor, het onafhankelijke tijdschrift van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven zegt o.a.:

Met een paddenstoelenrisotto verwende chef Erling Rugsten de veertien deelnemers van de workshop ‘kweek je eigen shiitakes’. Op uitnodiging van de TU/e community garden en de universiteitsorganisatie Technology for Global Development vertelden hij en oud-biologiedocent Leo Bakx hoe je aan shiitakes kunt komen en hoe je ze klaarmaakt. Maar ook – en dat was hun hoofddoel – dat je ze zou moeten verkiezen boven vlees.


Volgende sessie op 24 november 2015, in Common Room, Metaforum 0.09, TU/e Campus Eindhoven, over Roze Oesterzwam. Meer informatie en registratie op de web site van de TU/e Community Garden.

FREE LUNCH: culinaire interventies bij TU/e

140321-shiitake-harvest08 Erling Rugsten cooking with Shiitake mushrooms @ HTC Community Garden10 en 24 november verzorgen Leo Bakx en Erling Rugsten mini workshops -culinaire interventies- op de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Ondersteund door bestuurscommissie Technologie voor Ontwikkeling en de TU/e Community Garden demonstreren Leo en Erling hoe iedereen zelf heerlijke en voedzame paddestoelen kan kweken op koffiedik en ander organisch afval. Erling kookt en serveert een brilliante lunch met Mushroom Magic.

Eetbare paddestoelen zijn een veel beter voedsel dan het doorsnee supermarkt vlees waar iedereen aan gewend is. Ook in de productie blijkt dat paddestoelen niet alleen veel efficiënter zijn in bijvoorbeeld de eiwit conversie van afval naar consuptiekwaliteit voedsel maar ook nog eens veel efficiënter met water en energie, oppervlakte-beslag en transport.

Doe mee en overtuig jezelf!

10 november 12:45 – 13:15 : Shiitake’s kweken (locatie IPO Lounge, tweede etage)
24 november 12:45 – 13:45 : Roze Oesterzwammen kweken (locatie Common Room, Metaforum 0.09, TU/e Campus Eindhoven)

Meer details op de website van de TU/e Community Garden.

De voertaal bij deze FREE LUNCH is Engels.

Vroeg reserveren is zeer aanbevolen. Plaatsen beperkt. Deelname is gratis dankzij financiele steun van TvO/Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

Microbe Magic Wheel of Fortune

There Is Something Like A Free Lunch!

A series of four playful/artful FREE lunch time interventions on microbes and their essential role in everyday life. The hart and soul of soil fertility, drivers of biodiversity and eco system services.

How can you as private individual in your own home, garden and office make a huge difference in creating and developing healthy and alive soils and eat gourmet meals as a fringe benefit? Contribute to nature and landscape management in urban, peri-urban and rural environments using very simple techniques you can learn in half an hour. You get a take-away grow kit and a gourmet tester of the finished product during each session. Continue reading

Lunch mini workshop: Making Yoghurt

Obstjoghurt01Yoghurt is a fermentation of milk with selected bacteria transforming hard to digest milk sugars into lactic acids which assist in digestion of milk proteins and give yoghurt its characteristic tang.
Lacto-fermenting bacteria like Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are often used, but also others, different brands distinguishing themselves with different recipes.

With Leo Bakx and Stefan Pfundtner.

Wednesday 30 September, 12:15 – 12:45h @ HTC Community Garden, Eindhoven. Continue reading

Coming Up: Winter 2015-2016


Photo courtesy of HTC Community GardenOnder voorbehoud

  • Lunchworkshops rond paddestoelen kweken en fermentatie op de aanrecht, o.a. bij High Tech Campus en Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Vanaf oktober 2015
  • Jaarcursus stadstuinieren – start in maart 2016
  • Aardwerk Boot Camp: duurzaam ontwerp voor Het Goede Leven, met o.a. permacultuur, biomimicry, blue economy en the natural step. Met deze cursus kan je het internationaal erkende PDC certificaat behalen – start in december 2015
  • GreenDragons Boot Camp: opleiding voor docenten in duurzame ontwikkeling. Met zowel real-world als online leren. Speciaal voor mensen die een hekel hebben aan school maar wel houden van avontuur. Boot Camp is de introductie op een 4-jarig programma op MBO, Bachelor, Masters en Doctoraal niveau. Start: 13 oktober 2015.

Introductiemiddag (gratis) bij Plugin City, Strijp-S, Eindhoven tijdens Dutch Design Week 17 t/m 25 oktober 2015. Details volgen. Continue reading

Lunch intervention*: Grow Your Own Yellow Oyster Mushroom

popuplogoPleurotus citrinopileatus also know as the golden oyster mushroom or Yellow Oyster Mushroom is a popular mushroom in Asia and Eastern Europe. Like most other Oyster Mushrooms, it is a wood decay fungus – a bit like a vegan mushroom, compared to the common white button mushroom which digests animal manure. They can convert 100 g of organic refuse into 50-70 g of fresh mushrooms, which are up to 30% protein. They are a great source of anti-oxydants and have reportedly antihyperglycemic properties in diabetes patients.

With Leo Bakx and chef Erling Rugsten.

Wednesday 19 August 12:15 – 12:45h, @ HTC Community Garden, Eindhoven Continue reading

Evening Intervention: Making Yoghurt

popuplogoYoghurt is a fermentation of milk with selected bacteria transforming hard to digest milk sugars into lactic acids which assist in digestion of milk proteins and give yoghurt its characteristic tang.
Lacto-fermenting bacteria like Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are often used, but also others, different brands distinguishing themselves with different recipes.

With Leo Bakx and Lee Primeau.

Wednesday 23 September, 12:15 – 12:45h @ HTC Community Garden, Eindhoven. Continue reading

Lunch Mini Workshop Coffee Mushrooms

pinks-06Wednesday 1 July, 12:15 till 12:45h,
HTC Community Garden Eindhoven.

Grow them at your desk. Grow them at your kitchen sink.
Contribute to the circular economy by giving your coffee grounds new life as delicious oyster mushrooms. It doesn’t stop there. The next life is to feed the spent coffee/mycelium mix to your worm farm, bokashi bucket or compost heap. Completing the circle, you can then feed the resulting nutritious compost to the plants in your garden, creating the next cycle of food for your enjoyment.

PromoPostcard coffeemushroom-EN2

This eternal cycle of life and enjoyment starts right here…
Demonstration and hands-on do-it-yourself. You take a way your very own grow kit with the fungus starter and first feeding of coffee grounds.
You also get a quick reference card with basic instructions and some background information.
Finally we will have a tasting of oyster mushroom delicacies.

Your guides on this culinary adventure into the circular economy are Leo Bakx of Aardwerk Academy and Paul van Rooyen of Paul’s Kitchen.

€20 pp including grow kit, quick reference card & tasting

Contact & Registration

Aardwerk Academie


Aardwerk Summer School 2015: Cancelled

Cancelled Except TuinHack Hacakthon
button children button tuinhack button bootcamp button soils
Nederlands >

Hackathon Urban Farming: TuinHack

In conjunction with the Eindhoven Mini Maker Faire, Aardwerk hosts an Urban Farming Hackathon. Challenges include: Make, Play, Sense & Quantify and Distribute.

You will participate in multi-diciplinairy teams to bring innovative concepts to a working prototype stage in under 32 hours. You will meet subject experts, creatives, makers and hackers.

FutureFoodHAck2015 Vs5 from Thomas Bouwman on Vimeo.

(Future Food Hack)

(Hack Food Waste)

(Flora Fauna Hack)

We will dive into real-world challenges in the urban food cycle, from soil to harvest to table to toilet and back to the soil. Challenges are opportunities for innovation and creative solutions. We will explore new applications of existing and appropriate technology, creating local human scale solution in an industrial world.

The aim is to produce a working prototype within the time frame of the Hackathon. The prototype may be serve as a starting point for further development with your team, a challenge owner or sponsor.

All projects will be showcased on the Mindhoven website, where it will get exposure and opportunities may develop to bring your design “to market”.

There will be prizes to win, either in cash or in-kind.


The Urban Farming Hacakthon is of interest to anyone in urban agriculture, design, art, hardware and software technology, business development and marketing.

Especially young professionals and seniors are invited to participate. We aim at a good balance between men and women, between locals/expats from the Eindhoven region and the wider Euro region, including Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany in particular.


  • Great opportunity to meet and work with people you wouldn’t normally come across in your own network.
  • Be inspired and achieve something practical beyond your familiar comfort zone. The rush of discovery!
  • Great food and great company.
  • Go home with new friends and new business opportunities.


leo1200Leo Bakx – a veteran of many hackathons, e.g. Flora Fauna Hack, Age Hack I & II, Hack Food Waste, permaculture designer and teacher at Aardwerk Academy. Involved in urban farming projects like High Tech Campus and Technical University Community Gardens.

He will be assisted by some surprise guests.

dscf6753Elin Olga Magndahl is our Swedish Chef serving delicious healthy meals. She is assisted by our volunteers. Elin Olga catered to the needs of Ridgedale Permaculture in Värmland, Sweden last year and is now touring Europa as freelance PDC chef. “This is my passion and my aspiration, to offer a culinary adventure into the world of health and flavour. I wish to grow within the practice as a chef and nurture people all over Europe.


Stadslab St. Josef, Bloemfonteinstraat 62, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

29/30 August 2015, 09:00 – late. Closing ceremony 30 August at 16:00h.


Ticket price: FREE! including meals.

Register online. REGISTRATION STILL OPEN – till 1 August 2015.


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